Friday, November 15, 2013

Interactive Greyhawk Map

Hey, retro gaming fans!

Check this out!  Ever want to see a really cool, zoomable map of the early D&D campaign setting of Greyhawk?  Well, now you can.

Zoomable Greyhawk Map

Monday, November 11, 2013

Sad tale for comic book speculators

See the Businessweek article below, if you'd been saving onto non-key issues of your favorite comics from childhood.

Ouch $3 for one guy's seemingly top pick.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Ravenloft walk-through map from WotC site

I ran an updated version of Ravenloft twice.

The first time, I read the module through and through, prepared for an epic campaign, and the players decided to do a frontal assault of the castle after I completed the introductory text, and were dead within 15 minutes of rolling way too many dice.  

The second time, a different party decided that becoming vampires would be more fun and the game lasted about 20 minutes.  We then watched a Christopher Lee Dracula movie, which at least made for a better evening than the first game that went bust.

WotC has put together the below walk through map of dozens of other permutations of things that could have gone badly: